Kia ora. I write novels and own an independent bookstore. Yep, I’m living the dream.

Author of #1 NZ Bestseller, The Girl from London.

The Girl from London is a captivating war-time story of love, loss, and the resilience of the human spirit. Inspired by true events.

I love books. Always have, always will. I love reading books, writing books, talking about books and selling books. When I’m not reading, I’m writing, and when I’m doing neither I’m probably trying to convince someone else to read or write a book. But don’t worry, I have a life outside of books. Honest.

I’ve been writing fiction for 20 years, and I’ve completed more writing courses than is probably healthy. Plus, I run a bookshop which means I know the book industry fairly well. If you want to hear about what I’m writing, reading, and mulling over in this exciting and ever-changing book world please sign up to my quarterly newsletter.

Are you in a bookclub?

Are you in a bookclub?

Aren’t bookclubs just the best invention in the world? I’m a member of two, and I regularly host bookclubs in my bookstore. Talking about books with excellent people, drinking wine, eating tasty nibbles - what’s not to love?!

I’ve put together a few resources for The Girl From London for bookclubs. There’s some questions you might like to discuss, interesting facts, and more. I hope you find them useful.

Want to know more…

here are a few of my bookish ramblings:

I’m on socials, mostly Instagram. But the best way to get to know me is to join my newsletter because that’s where I really let loose!